SPARK Technomedia provides various services to clients in all sectors.

1. By submitting your contact information, including your name, phone number, mobile phone number, and email address, We or a related company may contact you by email or phone to discuss your inquiry and you consent to this contact.
2. All content included on SAT graphics, logos, data, software, and other material is property owned or licensed to Us or the owned or licensed property of Our licensors and is protected by copyright, trademark, patent, or other proprietary rights. The collection, arrangement, and assembly of all Content on SAT exclusive property and protected by copyright laws. We and Our licensors expressly reserve all intellectual property rights in all Content.
3. You can use SAT for 30 days without any licence. And if you want to use SAT in subsription method, you have to take licence from SAT.
4. SAT may prescribe usage limits based on the subscription plan chosen by You. You must make sure that Your usage is within the usage limits prescribed by SAT in order to avail uninterrupted service.
5. The Services are available under subscription plans of various durations. Payments for subscription plans of duration can be made only prepaid. Your subscription will be renewed before 5th of each month, otherwise your service will be suspended and you have to renew the subscription.
6. We reserve the right to terminate unpaid user accounts that are inactive for a continuous period of 120 days. In the event of such termination, all data associated with such user account will be deleted.
7. You have to pay for inactive accounts.
8. You may transmit or publish content created by you using any of this Services. However, you shall be solely responsible for such content and the consequences of its transmission or publication. You are responsible for ensuring that the data you have published.
9. All plans are available with SMS facility. If you want to enable SMS facility you have to go for an agreement with Telecom Regulatory Authority of your concerned country. You have to pay additional charges for SMS services.